The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Irony

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Irony


While Alec is a spy, he is not completely heartless and he is affected by the things he sees. Alec was able to experience firsthand how the Soviets and the Germans treated their enemies during the War and also how the rest of the countries involved in the war treated theirs. While many countries liked to claim the moral high ground when they compared themselves to countries such as Russia and Germany, it becomes clear that they were involved in illegal and cruel activities as well. In the second chapter, when Alec meets the Control, those actions are justified by the Control when he tells Alec that their actions are not as bad in comparison with the actions of other countries. Ironically thus, England and other nations who pretended to be humane acted just like the crueler nations and then to cover and to justify their actions blamed others and their behavior.

The man who felt in love with a woman

In the beginning of the novel, the reader is presented with Karl, as he tries to get out of the Communist-controlled Germany. Unfortunately, he is shot before he can cross on the other side. Alec believes that the reason Karl was shot was because he felt in love with a woman named Elvira and revealed secrets no one should know to her. Alec criticizes Karl for his weakness and leaves the impression that he considers as being above those kinds of things. Ironically, a few chapters later, Alec falls in love with a woman as well and he begins to worry about her safety while also planning their future together.

Control let you down

On the third day of being interrogated, Alec is told that he is a wanted man in England. Peters suggest that Control betrayed him and Alec thinks that the possibility of being betrayed was actually a pretty high one, especially when considering how easily Control accepted everything Alec wanted. The fact that Control betrayed Alec is ironical for Alec because he trusted Control with all his might and put all his hopes in the Control and in the organization he controlled.

The money was a warning

In the tenth chapter, Alec thinks about the money he was offered before accepting the job and how the money as an incentive for him to accept the work. Looking back, Alec realized that, ironically, Control never meant to give him that sum of money. The only reason he was offered such a large sum of money was because his superiors expected him to die or fail in his mission.

Do not accept communist ideologies

In the 12th chapter, Alec is on a plane to Berlin, and he thinks about the instructions he received while he was in London. Control told him that he must leave the impression that he wants to join the other side but, ironically, he is told not to accept the Communist ideology. Even though Alec does not understand why he should not let the others understand he became a communist, he agrees with the plan and refuses to let the others think that he became a communist.

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