The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs Characters

The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs Character List


The nordic king whose daughter Signy is being married to the king of the Goths, Siggeir.


The daughter who gives up her two boys to war after being betrayed by her new husband.


The goth king who murders Volsung and Signy's brothers, save Sigmund who escapes.


Odin arrives in disguise to the party and plants a sword in a tree trunk and leaves. His blessing falls to Sigmund much to Siggeir's chagrin.


The blessed son of Volsung who receives the unique privilege of bearing Odin's own sword.


Sigmund's nephew and the less attached of his brothers. His hardened heart helps him in battle.


Sigmund's first wife who betrays the family in an act of vengeance and is expelled for her actions.


Sigmund's second wife who escapes a battle that claims her husband's life, the gives birth to his baby, Sigurd. She recruits Regin in the rearing of the child.


Sigmund and Hiordis's son who is also a powerful warrior like his father.


Sigurd's sacred, divine lover whom he betrays under the curse of a witch.


Gudrun's second husband who largely disappoints her after Sigurd.


And old man who dies for his evil plot to betray the good Sigurd.


A witch's daughter who seduces Sigurd from Brynhild even after Brynhild helped her interpret a dream.


Gudrum's brother.


A disrespectable king who steals from others and murders his enemies. He relishes in his wealth with extravagant parties and orgies.

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