The Subtle Knife Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What are the differences between Will's world and Lyra's world?

    The narrator draws a deliberate parallel between these worlds. The worlds are set in alternate universes as the novel is set in an atmosphere where there are many universes and worlds that have pathways between them. Navigation between the worlds is possible if one knows where the windows of entry are.

    The differences include the fact that in Lyra's world, their daemons which are part of them are visible and taken the shape of the animal that best shows the person's character. For example, Sir Charles' daemon was a snake and he is a sly and a manipulative man. This is in contrast to Will's world whereby their daemons are in them. Another difference is that in Lyra's world, the people's roles are clearly defined since the classes are definite. The aristocrats have the administrative and scholarly jobs whereas the others are servants who serve the aristocrats. This is in contrast to Will's world whereby the people have no clearly defined roles.

  2. 2

    Define the roles of major characters in The Subtle Knife.

    The characters in the novel are all part of a larger cause which is to help Will and Lyra achieve their destinies. The characters include Serafina Pekkala, Lee, Mrs. Coulter and the Main protagonists Lyra and Will.

    Lyra and Will have a great destiny that has been prophesied for a long time. Will is the bearer of The Subtle Knife with which it is possible to cut between worlds. The knife is also the only weapon with which the all powerful Almighty can be defeated. Lyra is a child whose destiny is told to be great because she was to be the new Eve who would be tempted again so that a new world can be birthed from the old corrupt one.

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