The Subtle Knife Metaphors and Similes

The Subtle Knife Metaphors and Similes

Simile to describe the movement of a cat

Will used a simile to describe a cat's movement as it came to attack him. He described it as, ' something came hurtling at him like a wildebeast.' He has therefore likened the movement of the cat to that of a wildebeast.

Will's description of Lyra's fighting skills

Will described Lyra's way of fighting as, 'she fought like a tiger.' The simile has been used since Will has directly compared her to a tiger in manner of fighting.

Description of how a daemon kept close to Serafina

The narrator uses the simile, ' the tern daemon keeping close like a child to its mother.' The simile has directly compared the emanner that the daemon kept close to Serafina to that of a child to its mother.

Description of how Grumman treated his subordinates

The narrator uses the simile, 'Grumman had a tongue like barbed wire.' The simile has compared his words and his harshness to the harshness of barbed wire.

Simile to describe Grumman's curiosity

One of the scholars described Grumman's curiosity using a simile as follows, 'as powerful as a wolf's jaws.' The simile has used direct comparison that creates imagery in the readers' minds.

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