The Unbearable Lightness of Being Characters

The Unbearable Lightness of Being Character List


Tomáš is an intellectual Czech surgeon. He is in an open relationship with his wife, Tereza, and attempts to reconcile his love for her with his sexual promiscuity. He is obsessed with his work and with womanizing, but eventually abandoned his obsessions to be with his wife and found true happiness with her living in the countryside.


Teraza is the young wife of Tomáš. She is a gentle but intelligent photojournalist and continued her investigations after Soviet's occupation of Prague. She does not place emphasis on bodily pleasures, and considers the body to be disgusting and shameful. She also does not criticize Tomáš for being unfaithful, even though she worries that to Tomáš she is just another body to be enjoyed. Just like Tomáš, she also found happiness through raising animals and reading once they moved to the countryside.


Sabina is Tomáš's closest friend and also his mistress. She is a rebellious artist who expresses her struggle against constraints through her paintings. She has an extreme dislike of kitsch and finds satisfaction in the act of betrayal. In terms of personality, she has a very light and free character, which is placed in stark contrast in comparison to Tereza's character.


Franz is a kind and compassionate professor from Geneva who is Sabina's lover. He is a liberal and romantic dreamer. He is the most idealistic character in this novel. Though his life mainly revolves around his academic pursuits, he seeks enjoyment and meaning through participating in all kinds of marches and protests. During one of the marches, he was severely wounded by a robbery.


She is the pet dog of Tereza and Tomáš. She was named after a character in Anna Karenina. Just like her owners, she found contentment and happiness at the countryside. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed of cancer which eventually caused her death. However, her death reunited Tereza and Tomáš and to a large extent helped fix their damaged relationship.

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