The Unbearable Lightness of Being Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Unbearable Lightness of Being Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Suitcase (Symbol)

A suitcase, which Tereza took in every trip symbolizes her life and herself, in general. The author always draws the reader’s attention to it when she first comes to Tomas, then when she leaves him, etc. What is interesting, the author often describes it as “heavy”. Thus the author shows that her life is actually as heavy as it is.

The bowler hat (Symbol)

Sabina’s hat, which she inherited from her grandfather is a symbol of different concepts throughout the story – first it was a kind of joke, game between Sabina and Tomas, then it symbolized “violence against Sabina, against her dignity as a woman”, then it was just sentimental object for her, “a monument to time past.”

Tereza’s holding Tomas (Allegory)

While Tereza and Tomas slept, she held him “keeping a firm grip on wrist, finger, or ankle. If he wanted to move without waking her, he had to resort to artifice.” In the same way she actually held him in life, in general. She didn’t want to let him go anywhere from her, she guarded him, she was afraid of his breaking up with her (though he often betrayed her).

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