The Wanderer Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explicate Sophie’s unconscious dread.

    Sophie narrates, “And what I wanted to do was go on and on, across the sea, alone with the water and the wind and the birds, but some said I was too young and the sea was a dangerous temptress, and at night I dreamed a terrible dream. A wall of water, towering, black, crept up behind me and hovered over me and then down, down it came, but always I awoke before the water covered me, and always I felt as if I were floating when I woke up.” Although Sophie is an archetypal mule who cannot be deterred from navigating, unconsciously she is petrified about the prospect of obscuring while on her nautical passage. The dream calls forth her unconscious qualm which she would not unearth when conscious. Sophie has accomplished the repression of her alarm of drowning; thus, it only exhibits in her dreams which are totally instituted in the unconscious.

  2. 2

    What is the inference of personifying the ‘winds and waves’?

    Cody elucidates, “ferocious wind and feels like we’re in a battle and it’s better when you’re up on deck trying to fix things and trying to stay upright, because when you stop and come below and have a minute to think, you know you are going to die.” Cody’s portrayal renders the winds vehement. The belligerence embodied by the ‘winds and waves’ is lethal for it stimulates the sailors’ flight systems due to the immanence of expiry.

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