The Wanderer Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Wanderer Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

“Blob of Jelly”

Sophie confirms, “In the end, it was only my father who drove me to Connecticut. My mother said she could not guarantee that she’d behave like an adult. She was afraid she would “dissolve into a blob of jelly” and cling to me and not let me go. I kept telling her that this was just a little trip across the ocean, no big deal!” The emblematic ‘blob of jelly’ embodies the sentiments that would devastate Sophie’s mother during their parting. The representation designates that Sophie’s mother is not at ease with having Sophie’s seafaring.

Mr. Mom

Sophie expounds, “When Frank and his wife visited us on The Wanderer and saw Cody doing dishes and mop-ping the floor, Frank said, “You’ll make a great wife,” and he kept calling Cody “Mr. Mom.” “Mr. Mom” is a figurative designation that alludes to womanly obligations. It is witty for it specifies that Cody is partaking in female onuses yet he is male.


The howls paint endangerment that is integral in maritime. Cody states, “It’s all wind and walls of water. Everything howls and churns. I think we are doomed. “Cody’s surveillance designates that cruising is not free of hazards for the howls gather that the stout winds are oscillating the boat.


Sophie writes, “I’ve been at the helm for much of the time, and those waves have no mercy. walls of water come crashing over us every five minutes, and the wind howls-hooo-rrrrrr! Hooo-rrrr!-and tries to blow us over. One monstrous wave swept Cody right off his feet as he was working up on the bow.” The rhetorical monster relates to the colossal waves that are expected in sea. Sophie’s onomatopoeia accentuates the menace that gigantic waves lurch on the exposed sailors.

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