The Wings of the Dove Characters

The Wings of the Dove Character List

Kate Croy

Kate lives with her aunt Maud after her mother's death. Her aunt wants her to marry a rich man, Lord Mark, unlike her mother. Having been raised in poverty, Kate desires a luxurious life but loves a young reporter, Merton Densher. Kate's ambition challenges her morality, and she plans to fulfill her desire by any means. She manipulates her lover to court Milly because she is the key to her treasure, and Kate doesn’t feel remorse for doing so to a girl who doesn’t have much time to live.

Milly Theale

Milly Theale is an American rich young woman who's the lone survivor in her family. She's a woman with a fragile body and always gets sick. Her unknown illness is taking a toll on her, so she's traveling for health benefits. Her travel companion Mrs. Stringham introduces Aunt Maud and Kate to her when they come to London. Milly falls for the plan, and soon, love blooms in her heart for Merton.

Merton Densher

Merton Densher is a young journalist from a humble background. He loves a girl of a higher status and wants to marry her. He knows that his lover wants a life of luxury, and he is not able to provide that. Merton feels guilty for cheating on Milly, but he continues to woo her. Merton tells her the truth after Milly finds out everything. He decides to marry Kate only if she accepts him as a poor journalist.

Susan Stringham

Susan Stringham is a middle-aged woman. She was living with her mother after her husband's death. After her mother's death, she spends her time with Milly. Susan sometimes becomes overbearing to Milly. She's traveling with Milly and decides to meet her childhood friend Mrs. Maud because she wants to show off Milly to her.

Mrs. Maud Lawder

Mrs. Maud Lawder is a lady of higher status who likes to meddle in others' business. She showcases herself as a mean old lady in the entire novel, but she is merely a headstrong lady. She wants Kate to marry someone with high social status because Mrs. Maud doesn't want Kate to end up like her mother.

Lord Mark

Lord Mark likes Milly after meeting her at Mrs. Maud's place. He acts as a gentleman and tries to woo her, but his hopes die soon because Milly loves Merton. Lord Mark takes it as an insult. Out of spite, he tells about Merton's plan to Milly. He doesn't feel remorse for the dying Milly and even shortens the span of her life due to his selfishness.

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