The Wings of the Dove Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Kate believe Milly to be deathly ill?

    Kate accompanies Milly to see a specialist in London, and although Milly asks him if she is suffering from an incurable disease, the specialist chooses not to confirm or deny. The non-committal nature of his response, as well as Milly's description of her symptoms, leads Kate to believe, rightly so, that Milly has tuberculosis, a deadly disease that had no cure at the time in which the novel is set. She is also certain that this disease will lead to Milly's very imminent death and that her decline will be rapid, because Milly is not entering any kind of treatment facility, choosing to go to Italy instead.

  2. 2

    What is Kate's plan to inherit Milly's fortune?

    Kate's plan is very simple. Merton will pay Milly an exceptional amount of attention which will cause her to develop feelings for him and also make her believe that he has feelings for her as well. Merton will then ask Milly to marry him, a marriage that will be expedited due to Milly's failing health. Confident that Milly does not have long to live, Kate knows that, as her husband, Merton will inherit Milly's fortune. After Milly's death, Kate and Merton will be free to marry, which will then give Kate access to Milly's fortune.

  3. 3

    What does the novel tell us about tuberculosis?

    The main thing the novel tells us about tuberculosis is that it was completely incurable; a diagnosis of tuberculosis in the early 1900s was effectively a death sentence. It is also clear that tuberculosis did not pay attention to social or economic boundaries, which makes it different from many of the other deadly diseases of the time. Milly had the best experts at her disposal and would have been able to afford the best treatment available, but there was no cure.

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