Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Quotes


“For a host, above all, must be kind to his guests.”


This quote is portraying Thidwick’s big heart, as stated in the title. He is truly a loving and happy-to-help creature who has not motivation for helping others other than to make them happy. His generosity is taken advantage of as the story goes along, which is difficult for the reader to experience as Thidwick is made to be a victim of his supposed friends.

“There's room there to spare, and I'm happy to share!”


This quote is ironic because of course we, the reader, later go on to learn how much he regrets saying those words. It also foreshadows the fact that his easy-going nature is manipulated by the other animals, and soon there really is not enough room to spare. The use of the half-rhymes “host” and “guests” is an important note to mention as it reflects the later frustration of the relationship between the two.

“You couldn't say "Skat!" 'cause that wouldn't be right.
You couldn't shout "Scram!" 'cause that isn't polite.
A host has to put up with all kinds of pests”


This quote is highlighting Thidwick’s increasing frustrations at the different animals on his antlers. He is saying that it wouldn’t be “right” to shout words like “Scram” and “Skat!” because they are against his very nature. Yet the fact that he admits to thinking such things, tells the reader that this is how he truly feels about his situation. Moreover, the fact that he “has to put up with all kinds of pests” is an extremely relatable line, as many of us will have to put up with all sorts of people throughout our lives.

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