Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Summary

Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Summary

Written by popular children's author Dr. Seuss, this story is about Thidwick the moose, who lives nearby Lake Winna-Bango. Thidwick is a member of a herd of other moose, who feed on the moose-moss and live peacefully together.

One day, Thidwick shows some kindness towards a bug, allowing him to ride on his antlers. However, the bug quickly begins to exploit Thidwick, making the antlers his home. To make matters worse, the bug then invites his friends to live there too, making Thidwick feel uncomfortable.

One of the guests, a woodpecker, begins to damage Thidwick's antlers, creating holes. Reacting to this, the other moose tell Thidwick that he must tell his guests to leave, or else he will not be welcome in the herd. Choosing to accommodate his guests, Thidwick is abandoned by his herd and must stay alone during the winter. Later, Thidwick is targeted by a group of hunters and tries to run away from them. In this situation, Thidwick remembers that he must shed his antlers, which finally releases him from his selfish guests.

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