This Boy's Life: A Memoir Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Tobias Wolff show that marriage is a complex institution?

    Wolff is living with his mother, and from an early age, he can observe his parents' marriage life. Wolff's father leaves Tobias and his mother and goes to live with a rich woman. Later, Tobias' mother gets another boyfriend whom she lived with for a while. Tobias' mother parts ways with Roy, her first boyfriend, and she gets a new boyfriend called Dwight. The reader realizes that marriage in America is non-committal because partners can shift as they wish and move on with life.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of Rosemary's character in the book 'This Boy's Life: A Memoir’ by Tobias Wolff?

    The author uses his mother, Rosemary, symbolically to represent irresponsible motherhood. Tobias depicts his mother as a woman who is chasing after rich men. Rosemary moves from one place to the other with Tobias to search for able men. She parts ways with Toby's mother to get a new boyfriend called Dwight. Rosemary later leaves Dwight for another man. Consequently, Wolff depicts Rosemary as a get-rich-quick scheme woman, reflecting the reality in life because many women will do anything to get married to a rich woman.

  3. 3

    Why is Dwight taking advantage of Rosemary?

    Rosemary positions herself as a woman who wants to attract any able man. Therefore, Rosemary falls prey to most aggressive and single men because they cannot manage principled women. Dwight is among the aggressive men who are after cheap women who they can manipulate. Dwight takes advantage of Rosemary's vulnerability to misuse her as he wishes. Dwight mistreats Rosemary, and he often abuses Toby. Toby has no choice to endure the sufferings because his mother does not even defend him from her aggressive boyfriend.

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