This Boy's Life: A Memoir Imagery

This Boy's Life: A Memoir Imagery

The imagery of hearing

The narrator’s description of the airhorn depicts the sense of hearing to readers. The narrator says, “Our car boiled over again just after my and I crossed the Continental Divide. While we were waiting for it to cool, we heard, from somewhere above us, the bawling of an airhorn. The sound got louder, and then a big truck came around the corner and shot past us into the next curve, its trailer shimmying wildly.”

The imagery of sight

The description of the smashing track paints a vivid picture for the readers to visualize the actual happenings. The author writes, "It had smashed through the guardrails and fallen hundreds of feet through the space to the river below, where it lay on its back among the boulders."

The imagery of the mosquitoes

The narrator describes the sounds of the mosquitoes at night to depict the sense of hearing to readers. The narrator says, “At night, we slept in boggy rooms where headlight beams crawled up and down the walls and mosquitoes sang in our ears, incessant as the tires whining on the highway outside.”

The imagery of the priest’s encounter

When Tobias went for a confession, he was given penance and absolved. As Tobias left, he heard the door open and close. Tobias says, “The priest gave my penance and absolved me. As I left the confession, I heard his door open and close.”

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