Day 4

To Kill a Mockingbird Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    Why do Dill and Mr. Raymond feel sick at the end of chapter 19? What is Jem so upset about in chapter 23?

    Dill notes that Mr. Finch was respectful to Mayella Ewell and Mr. Ewell, while Mr. Gilmer was very disrespectful to Mr. Robinson. Mr. Gilmer called him “boy” and showed disgust when Mr. Robinson said he felt sorry for Mayella Ewell. Mr. Raymond does not explain why he feels sick, but it seems to be for similar reasons. It is clear that racism is making it very difficult for Mr. Robinson to get a fair trial. This goes far beyond the expectation that lawyers will be hard-hitting during cross-examinations.

    Jem is upset that a jury would convict Mr. Robinson on such...

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