Day 5

To Kill a Mockingbird Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Jem discourage Scout from killing the roly-poly? (ch. 25).

    Jem’s new charity for even the world of insects reflects his new appreciation for life in all its forms. It also symbolizes the principle of human justice that revolves around the idea of not hurting someone if “they don’t bother you.”

  2. 2

    What are the clues about who killed Mr. Ewell (ch. 28)?

    Close reading of the text is essential here. Remember also that Scout is recalling the events, and then she is recalling her conversation in chapter 29, and her recollections may not be accurate in either case.

    Jem and Scout had yelled, so there was opportunity for someone nearby to hear the shouting...

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