Twelfth Night (1988 Film)


Twelfth Night, or, What You Will is a videotaped 1988 television adaptation of Kenneth Branagh's stage production for the Renaissance Theatre Company of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night first broadcast in the UK by Channel 4 on 30 December 1988.[1] Made by Thames Television in collaboration with Renaissance, it stars Frances Barber as Viola and Richard Briers as Malvolio. The recording was shot on a single set with the appearance of a wintry garden. The costumes are Victorian, and the time of year is Christmas.

  • Christopher Ravenscroft as Orsino
  • Caroline Langrishe as Olivia
  • James Saxon as Sir Toby Belch
  • James Simmons as Sir Andrew Aguecheek
  • Frances Barber as Viola
  • Christopher Hollis as Sebastian and Curio
  • Richard Briers as Malvolio
  • Julian Gartside as Valentine
  • Shaun Prendergast as Fabian
  • Abigail McKern as Maria
  • Tim Barker as the Sea Captain and Antonio
  • Anton Lesser as Feste

Michael Brooke, in his piece for the BFI's Screenonline website, particularly commends Briers performance. His "Malvolio is a delight, segueing seamlessly from self-righteous pomposity at inappropriate revelry to truly grotesque self-delusion as he proffers love to his mistress while clad in yellow stockings".[1]

  1. ^ a b Michael Brooke "Twelfth Night (1988)", BFI screenonline
External links
  • Twelfth Night at IMDb

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