Twelfth Night (1988 Film) Background

Twelfth Night (1988 Film) Background

Twelfth Night was directed by Paul Kafno for television while Kenneth Branagh directed to stage production. Based upon William Shakespeare's play it was produced by the Renaissance Theatre Company and distributed by ITV-Independent Television. The film stars Frances Barber and Richard Briers with a supporting cast including Christopher Ravenscroft and Caroline Langrishe.

The film premiered in 1988 with the use of a single set. This alone sets the film apart as film allows the change in scenery through the use of sets, but this production crafts a stage performance for the audience to experience in the comfort of their own homes. The importance of this is that the cost of theatre tickets greatly outweighs the price to go to the cinema, or television cable costs. Thus, viewers are able to obtain an experience of being in the theatre (or as close as is possible) without having to pay the cost of admission which deters patrons from attending in many cases. This keeps the ideas, style and importance of Shakespeare's work available for the masses.

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