Twelfth Night (1988 Film) Imagery

Twelfth Night (1988 Film) Imagery

Heaven on Earth

We hear Olivia described as heaven walking on earth. We then see her glide down from the staircase and the imagery becomes alive before our eyes, as the actress uses her movement to create what heaven walking on earth would look like.


Olivia calls out after Cesario, calling him "husband." The imagery created is the obvious betrayal created as Olivia calls Cesario as her lover.

Two Persons

Sebastian arrives to greet Olivia and we see two people that look quite the same, and everyone believes there are two Cesarios. The imagery reveals the moment of reuniting between brother and sister.


Cesario is accused of cutting Sir Andrew and Sir Toby as they both arrive before Olivia bloodied. The imagery of being cut plays into the idea that Sebastian and Viola should not be separated into the true people they are, and no longer playing the same person.

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