Two Boys Kissing Characters

Two Boys Kissing Character List


Harry is the protagonist of the novel, and he is a gay student. Together with former sexual partner Craig, they plan to break the world record when they organize to kiss each other for the longest time in history in front of the school lawn. Gay culture has not been accepted in society, but these boys want to join the chorus of fallen gay men to fight for their rights and remind society that they have a choice of choosing sexual partners regardless of gender.

Harry invites his parents to witness the longest kissing in history, and they gladly accept to come and cheer him. Harry's parents have accepted his gay status. However, most society members still do not want to approve of gay culture because it is considered evil and goes against moral standards.


Craig is gay and was once a couple with Harry. However, they agree that they will kiss each other for the longest time in history, and he is ready for the challenge. However, Craig's parents do not know he is gay, and they are disappointed in him when they learn of the kissing incident. However, Craig does not care about what his parents think of him because what he wants is to be happy.

Harry’s parents

Harry's parents are depicted as interesting characters because they are among the few parents who accept gay culture in society. When Harry tells his parents he will kiss Craig for the longest time in history, they accept and attend the kissing scene. Harry's parents cheer him up and encourage him to break the gay men's kissing record.


Tariq is a black gay man who is a close friend of Craig and Harry. Unfortunately, Tariq is violently attacked by people because he is gay. People have not accepted gay culture, and this puts the life of Tariq and his fellow friends at risk of being killed.


Avery meets Ryan for the first time in a porn movie show, and they fall in love instantly. Avery is not ashamed of his gay status and is ready to tolerate those who ridicule him. For instance, Avery is not revengeful and forgives those who bully him for being gay.


Ryan is Avery's sexual partner, and they hit each other when they meet in a porn movie show. Unlike Avery, Ryan does not want anybody to know he is gay. Therefore, Ryan attacks whoever tries to call him gay. For instance, when school kids bully them, Avery is easy, and he forgives them, but Ryan wants to revenge by beating them.


Neil is in a committed sexual relationship with Peter. Neil's parents know he is gay but has not approved of his behavior. However, Neil is determined to make them acknowledge and accept his status. One day, Neil's parents decide to leave the radio on airing anti-gay discussions. When Neil discovers his parents' intentions, he confronts them, forcing them to approve of his gay status. Interestingly, they accept his demands and approve of his status.


Cooper is secretly gay and does not want anybody to know. One day, he falls asleep and forgets to switch off his laptop leaving open the sexual messages sent to him by fellow gay friends. Abruptly, Cooper's father enters the room, sees the sexual messages sent to Cooper by gay men, and gets agitated. He kicks Cooper, which prompts him to run away from home. Cooper looks for a gay man from the site and goes to have sex with him. Later he throws his phone and closes all his social media accounts to block his parents from accessing him. Later, Cooper tries to commit suicide, but the passersby and the police rescue him.

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