Two Boys Kissing Themes

Two Boys Kissing Themes


Harry and Craig a two seventeen year old boys who are ex-boyfriends, but they still connect with one another and can understand what it is like to love someone of the same sex. They work together to be able to break a world record for the longest continuous kiss, proving that they are still quite comfortable with one another. The two boys hope to prove to the world that love should not be suppressed if it is not harming anyone, and that loving someone of the same sex is genuine and acceptable despite social stigma.

Embracing One's Sexual Identity

As gay teenagers, Harry and Craig have had to overcome much adversity, and a noticeable stigma concerning their sexual identities. Instead of backing down, they have chose to embrace their sexualities by being in an open relationship and displaying their love to the world. The book is told from the perspective of men who have lost their lives during the AIDS epidemic, so the idea of accepting oneself is put in the perspective of the sacrifices others have made to do so. The novel gives hope for a more open and accepting future, and uses Harry and Craig's embrace of their own identities as a landmark for the future of queer culture.

Gay Culture Over Time

A lot has changed in regards to LGBTQ+ rights over the last fifty years, and even within the last ten years. Two Boys Kissings aims to pay a homage to the gay men that came before the latest generation, and suffered even worse social stigma. The novel is told from the point of view of men who perished during the AIDS epidemic, and they are looking towards a brighter future for gay rights. The two teenage boys in the novel are able to openly express themselves in part due to the activism by older gay men. Of course, Harry and Craig do receive pushback over their sexualities, but they experience a greater degree of acceptance when compared to generations of the past.

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