Vathek Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the novel warn against temptation?

    Gothic novels often take the form of a "warning," advising their readers against a certain way of living or transgression. In this text, Vathek is essentially an example of what a person shouldn't be, as he displays all the typical immoral qualities. For example, he is greedy, hedonistic, selfish, and is open to temptation. Vathek's openness to temptation ultimately allows him to be manipulated by dark and supernatural powers, leading to his demise.

  2. 2

    What is Vathek motivated by?

    In the text, Vathek hopes to find the "dark world," which promises him endless wealth and power. As such, Vathek is motivated by greed and selfishness, putting his own interest above the interests of his subjects. In another sense, we might also argue that Vathek has been motivated by the influence of the supernatural. There is a suggestion that he is controlled by these spirits, and may not have as much free will as we think.

  3. 3

    Why is Nouronihar punished at the end of the novel?

    It is clear why Vathek and his sinful mother are punished at the end of the novel, as they have both allowed themselves to be tempted by dark supernatural powers and greed. However, it is not as clear why Nouronihar might be punished. This being said, we might argue that she is depicted as being ambitious and greedy herself at times, and encouraged Vathek's immoral behavior.

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