Vathek Literary Elements

Vathek Literary Elements


Gothic novel

Setting and Context

Set during the Abbasid dynasty

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrator

Tone and Mood

The tone of the novel is romantic and dark.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Vathek is the protagonist, but is a rather antagonistic figure. Eblis is the clear antagonist of the novel.

Major Conflict

The major conflict of the novel is Vathek's attempt to find the dark world.


The climax of the text is when Vathek reaches the palace of Eblis.


Vathek's excessive pride is mentioned repeatedly at the beginning of the text, which foreshadows his later downfall.


Vathek underestimates his wife's inclination towards ambition and greed.


The text alludes to the Abbasids dynasty.


Imagery is used to describe Vathek's five palaces, with each one being based on a different sense. For example, when describing "The Palace of Perfumes," Beckford uses imagery to describe the different aromas that can be found there.


Vathek believes he will achieve great riches and powers once he reaches the mountains, however he is actually killed.



Metonymy and Synecdoche



"Pride" is personified as reaching for greater heights.

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