Wahala Summary

Wahala Summary

Wahala is the story of three college friends, Ronke, Boo, and Simi. They all come from biracial families and are close to each other. Ronke is a doctor. She wishes to start a family and wants a Nigerian man to marry because she loves Nigerian culture. She has a Nigerian boyfriend, but her friends don't like him because he is not committed to Ronke. Her friend, Boo, is married with a daughter, Sophia. Boo has everything Ronke dreams for, but Boo has different plans for her life. Her husband wants a child, but she is not ready to be a parent while her career is unstable.

Despite their struggles, they meet each other and live life to the fullest. A childhood friend of Simi's steps into their lives, and everything changes. Isobel is both rich and attractive but an attention seeker. Although Ronke detects something fishy about Isobel's overly friendly manner, Simi and Boo begin to enjoy being around her. Her intrusion into Simi and Boo's life increases and influences their lives negatively.

Suddenly, Boo's behavior changes, and she begins to believe that Ronke is jealous of her family. Despite her boss' flirtatious behavior, Isabel encourages Boo to reciprocate it. As a result, Ronke feels that her friendship with Boo and Simi no longer holds the same strength as it once did, and their relationship has become meaningless. Instead of Wahala, which means trouble, Ronke avoids Isobel to live a peaceful life.

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