When Harry Met Sally Imagery

When Harry Met Sally Imagery

The Wave

We watch as Harry tells Jess that his wife has left him for another man while at the Giants game. During their conversation they still continue to do the wave in the stands with the rest of the Giants fans. The imagery reveals two things: one, Harry is numb and two, life must go on no matter how much it hurts.


Sally tells Harry their drive is 19 hours long and she's broken it up into shifts and has a map for him to navigate. While she tells him, Harry goes to the backseat to get grapes which he then attempts to spit out of the window which is closed. The imagery reveals clearly the people Harry and Sally are. Sally is orderly and has a plan, while Harry is so wrapped up in himself that he ignores the other person right in front of him.

Moving Walkway

Harry continues to follow Sally down the walkway at the airport after she's denied him a dinner date. Finally he decides to stop so she can walk on. The imagery reveals that Harry is concerned very little with how he's made Sally feel. So when she begins to move away from him swiftly once he stops walking on the moving walkway the imagery reveals that she can't get away from Harry fast enough as he's become more of a bother than a friend.

Faking It

Harry says that he could spot it when someone is faking it with him in bed. Sally proves him wrong when she demonstrates faking it for him and the entire diner, then carries on with her meal and takes a bite of pie. The imagery reveals how a woman can easily make everyone believe she's actually having a pleasure filled experience, even having some be turned on themselves ("I'll have what she's having.").

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