When Harry Met Sally Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

When Harry Met Sally Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Car Ride

Sally drives Harry as they leave Chicago for New York. She tells him of the shifts they will be driving and where the map is for them to navigate. Harry grabs grapes from the back while she speaks and begins to spit them out of the closed window. This interaction is a symbol that these are two very different people, Sally a prepared planner and Harry a gloomy naysayer.


Harry tells Sally that men and women cannot be friends as sex always gets in the way. Thus any man who is in a relationship with a woman is a symbol to Harry that they are lying to one another as both parties want to sleep with one another.


Sally laughs at Harry when she finds out that he's getting married. Her laugh is a symbol of her knowing that Harry is a complete contradiction as years earlier he was only doom and gloom about relationships and now he's married.

Stop Walking

Harry follows Sally on the moving walkway at the airport after she's declined his offer to have dinner. He finally says he'll stop and she can walk on. Harry continuing to walk beside Sally is a symbol that he is relentless in getting what he wants even when Sally doesn't want him.


Harry's wife Helen booked movers to come a week before she admits she isn't in love with him. This is a symbol of cruelty in relationships when one person gives the other a sliver of hope knowing full well they don't intend to follow through.

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