White Is for Witching Characters

White Is for Witching Character List

Miranda Silver

The main character of White is for Witching, Miranda is a teenage girl who has a rare eating disorder called Pica, which makes her want to consume inedible objects. Her illness is only made worse when her mother passes at away when she is sixteen. In the Silver House, Miranda begins to feel a strange attraction to the spirits that haunt the house.

Eliot Silver

Eliot is Miranda's twin brother, the same age as her. Like her, he also feels the loss of their mother's death, but does not feel the same attraction to the spirits as her, finding it instead odd and concerning.

Luc Silver

Luc is Miranda's father, a gentle and loving man who is devastated after the death of his wife. However, he still attempts to bond with Miranda as well as he can, demonstrating his caring heart. He transformed the family house into a Bed & Breakfast.

Lily Silver

Lily is Miranda and Eliot's mother, and Luc's wife. After her death, she still roams the Silver House, haunting it as a spirit, along with Miranda's grandmother.

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