White Is for Witching Metaphors and Similes

White Is for Witching Metaphors and Similes

Noticing of an eye

After Lily's death, Luc has a problem of alienation from his children. Miranda ignored him and was even unsure of his identity but, Eliot noticed him more. He noticed him the way an eye notices an image when something from it goes missing, and the eye is finally able to see its flaws and disruption.

Broken dolls

While shopping for new clothes with her father, Miranda has a moment where she put a hand over her face and looked at her father with a woman from the store. She describes them as looking as broken dolls. She remembers an instance of going with her mother to a doll hospital where only repaired dolls were displayed. Miranda has a thought of asking her father to go to the doll's hospital to get him repaired.

Tears on skin

Miranda reads a letter one of the tenant girls left for her where the girl explains to her that the house is much larger than she thought with more rooms than what it appears to have. As Miranda leans on of the walls she feels a damp and high temperature, like tears on a skin, which is bizarrely explainable as the house is a living entity in itself and even steals a few chapters to narrate in the novel.

Rain puddles

The novel has an ambiguous ending, with Miranda's inexplicable disappearance. Her shoes are left inside the house, and Eliot puts himself in charge of cleaning them because they constantly get filled with red liquid smelling like roses. Eliot doesn't know where it comes from. Sometimes, if he sits beside them, he can see them slowly filling up like rain puddles, and there is no way he can stop it.

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