World War Z Irony

World War Z Irony

Other concerns

The interviewer asks Mary Jo Miller, who is Troy's developer, chief architect and first mayor , if she watches the news. She watches “ for about five minutes every day: local headlines, sports, celebrity gossip. ” However, the most amazing thing, which she says, is that you should not watch TV. If you want to get depressed , you can do this just “ by stepping on the scale every day. ” She sarcastically means that people can be frustrated with problems, on which human life does not depend.

Society is like a herd

Gavin Blaire, who is a pilot one of the D-17 combat dirigibles, tells the interviewer about the extraordinary experiment of American journalist. The journalist did it “in Moscow in the 1970s. He just lined up at the ordinary, unremarkable building. Sure, someone got in line behind him, and then a couple more.” No one asked what the line was for . People just assumed it was worth it. The irony is that the modern society is like a flock of sheep. Everybody is very stupid and does what other people do.

Gangster town

Fernando Oliveria, who is an illegal heart surgeon in Brazil, says that he always carries a gun in Rio. The interviewer is astonished to hear it. Fernando Oliveria says, “ I lived in Rio. W hat do you think I carried, my “pinto” ? ” It sounds sarcastic, because there is nothing more important than a gun, when you are in Rio, a dangerous city.

Zombies are useful sometimes

Sensei Tomonaga Ijiro lost his eyesight. The groans, which zombies emitted while seeking their prey, not only signaled their appearance, but also indicated to Sensei the direction, range and exact position of the attacker. “ The beasts were a great help as well, always being courteous enough to warn the blind man before attacking. ” The irony is that despite the fact that zombie s are horrible creatures , they have the slightest benefit. They even helped the blind man in something.

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