A Gun for Sale Imagery

A Gun for Sale Imagery

The Death of Raven

The death of Raven is an important image, as it shows him surrendering and becoming submissive in a way he has never been before. His ending is welcome, as long as he can bring with him the people he knows don't deserve to live. He is aware that he doesn't deserve to live either, and that there isn't anything in this life left for him anyway, as he doesn't have any joy in it.

The Death of Raven's Mother

The death of Raven's mother is a direct parallel to Raven's death. Raven's dad was sentenced to death for murder and was hanged. Raven's mother, losing her husband, broke down. She had - just like Raven - lost all happiness in her life and thus her will to live. The description and the setting of her death as she committed suicide is very similar to Raven's death. And can be perceived as a foreshadowing.

Raven and Anne Getting Closer

Raven saved Anne from definite death, and helped someone instead of killing them for the first time in his life. This lets him open up about his feelings and how he ended up where he is, and Anne sympathizes with him. They have a common goal, and they build their relationship upon it. This is the only positive thing that happens to Raven, and the time they spend together is heavily described.

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