A Gun for Sale Literary Elements

A Gun for Sale Literary Elements


Adult action novel

Setting and Context

1930s, Europe

Narrator and Point of View


Tone and Mood

Fast-paced, exciting

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: Raven; Antagonist: Davis

Major Conflict

Davis pays raven with money that is stolen, thus making Raven look like a thief after he works for Davis.


The hideout Raven and Anne are in gets surrounded by police officers.


When Raven explains his mother's death, the imagery is the same as his own death, which is how he foreshadows his end.


The impact Raven's parents have on Raven is understated, as he ends up a murderer just as his father, even though they never spent any time together.


The reader might have allusions to the time between the world wars.


The image and description of Raven's mothers death, as well as his own is very similar and are both central images in the book.


"Is human life worth more than money" is a paradox that frequently appears, though is never put to rest.


There is a clear parallel line between Raven's parents and himself, as history is repeated through their lives.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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