Adaptation Glossary

Adaptation Glossary


interacting with someone to show romantic interest; light-hearted banter of a focused nature


moments in which characters or individuals realize something which changes their paradigms in a strongly significant way


action in a plot or interpersonal relationship is resolved when everything involved in a piece of conflict is taken care of satisfactorily


the quality of using things for a purpose that is not good; taking advantage of how a system is set up for personal gain, including gain bestowed to one's family and friends


an intensifier, as in "I don't have any bloody use for it!"


an idea which has been represented in many instances


able to change under various settings


formally decide to stop interacting with something in any capacity


narrows something down to one concept or piece of information; also used in wood carving


the feeling of assuredness in something one knows to be right in their heart; they are willing to vouch for this thing if they have conviction

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