Adaptation Quotes


"Do you wanna hear my pitch?"


Donald comes into his brother's room to pitch him. Charlie is a successful screenwriter and his brother is learning the craft, but all he wants to write is something that Charlie loathes, so every time he pitches him it also frustrates Charlie who must bear it.

"Look, I meant to ask you-I need a cool way to kill people. Don't worry, for my script."


Donald comes to the set of Being John Malkovich when he asks his brother for a way to kill people for his script. Charlie tells him a ludicrous way, which Donald thinks is a great idea that he wants to use. It shows the difference between the two brothers, Donald being light-hearted while Charlie is neurotic and constantly full of worry.

"I'm good. I have some new ideas."


The entire film is based upon Charlie's inability to adapt Susan Orlean's book, but the previous night Charlie had a breakthrough when he hears Orlean's voice speak to him and tell him to focus on one thing. The next morning Charlie is chipper, which is not usual for him, and it's because he's starting to make progress with the story.

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