Anathem Characters

Anathem Character List

Fraa Erasmas

Raz is the protagonist of the book. He is a member of the avout, living at the Concent of Saunt Edhar. Unwilling to simply tow the line of intellectual devotion, he questions the existing system for the scholars of his society. When one of his favorite teachers, Orolo, is banished for possessing forbidden technology in order to observe an approaching alien spaceship, Raz supports Orolo. He adamantly supports peace and advocates for truth through all of the ensuing action.

Fraa Orolo

He is Raz's primary teacher. In order to conduct experiments and to study, he possesses a video recorder which is forbidden technology for a member of the avout. After he is discovered, he's banished. Dedicated to scientific discovery and a peaceful resolution to the alien invasion, he continues to devote himself to researching the aliens even during his exile. He even goes so far as to prove his commitment to the cause by sacrificing his own life in order to preserve a body of evidence which can greatly further his kinsmen's research into the aliens and perhaps even lead to peace between the two races.

Fraa Jad

He is sent by the Sæcular Powers to a council meeting concerning the aliens. He hails from the Concent of Saunt Edhar. Appearing to be a friend, he sends Raz and his companions to seek Orolo. By the end of the book, though, he proves that he is no more committed to peace than any of the rest of the Sæcular Powers. He is one of only three men who are briefed as to the true purpose of the expedition to the alien ship and who are given detonators for the nuclear bombs.

Jules Durand

Durand is one of the aliens. In disguise he makes it into the Convox concerning his ship's appearance on the planet. He is a member of the Laterran, those aliens who favor peace above all else. He attempts to persuade the members of the Convox to seek a peaceful resolution to the presence of his brethren on their planet. Proving fortuitous to the cause, he helped the locals learn more about the political culture of the extraterrestrial species in order to determine the best course of action.

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