Anathem Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What role does Orolo play in Raz’s life as explained by Neal Stephenson in Anathem?

    Orolo is a knowledgeable astute man who has a deeper understanding of the universe. He is a teacher to Raz who is willing to learn and be able to think rationally and censoriously. Orolo acts as Raz's mentor and teaches him many things concerning the universe. As a result, Raz gains critical skills that play a significant role in his life. In Arbre, anybody who thinks critically to challenge the authority is considered as a threat. Since Orolo is such one person who is challenging the authority, he is arrested and detained. Raz does not get scared due to his mentor's sentencing because he is looking forward to discovering more to help the planet. He stands by the truth, honesty, and dedication to impact positively on the internet.

  2. 2

    Why is the government being intrusive to Orolo’s scientific studies?

    The government is not ready to allow people to discover the planet and it is doing everything possible to prevent that from happening. Orolo is aware of the government's regulations regarding scientific discovery but he is defiant and wants to continue with his studies to uncover what is hidden from the general population. After the government realizes that Orolo is conducting scientific studies, it banishes him. His hidden video recorders are confiscated. However, Orolo does not give up and continues with his scientific discoveries which aid his people to understand how to respond to the possible attacks from the aliens.

  3. 3

    How does Neal Stephenson depict political cacophony as the main theme in Anathem?

    According to Neal Stephenson, there is a high level of dissent among the citizens of and this makes it impossible for them to develop a common strategy on how they can receive the aliens. The local populaces of Arbre and the Geometers have clashing views that have cultivated discord among them. Their political opinions also differ. As a result, Arbre has two societal classes, the one that believes in science and the other that believe in military power. Orolo belongs to the avout social class which believes in scientific discovery and intellect. However, those in power believe that they can use military prowess to do whatever they want. Therefore, the level of political disharmony is high and this is the reason why people are largely divided.

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