Anathem Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Anathem Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


No animals or living beings apart from cockroaches are mentioned in the novel. All the mentioned characters have a problem with the ever-present insects which find their way almost everywhere and are extremely destructive. The desire t get rid of these insects is so powerful for some, that they even end up destroying their houses and personal property just to kill as many cockroaches as possible. For the religious and intellectual leaders, the small insects represent more than a nuisance and are perceived as a sign. Because of this, we can claim that the cockroaches are also used here as a symbol, representing the idea of moral degradation and sin.


Every citizen mentioned in the book is aware that their every move is watched by surveillance cameras installed on every building and on every corner. No one is bothered by the presence of these cameras, suggesting that these elements were a common fixture in the fictional world described in the novel. What is more, these cameras are used as a symbol, representing the control the government had over the lives of normal, everyday people.

Symbol for the truth

The characters in the book find out about the imminent alien threat through a video that was shot on a normal video camera. That small video reveals the truth to the rest of the population and as such, it is an extremely important element here. Also, the camera becomes a symbol representing the power the normal population holds when it comes to uncovering the truth.

Cloudy sky

When it comes to the location where the action takes place, it is mostly situated in big cities and other densely populated areas. The sky in these locations is always described as being gloomy and cloudy, a state caused by the intense population in the city. As such, we can argue that apart from representing an important visual element, the sky is also used here to symbolize the degradation caused by intense urbanization and senseless technological advancements.

The grand houses

The novel begins with the narrator describing the area in which the richest people in Arbre lived in. The buildings are described as being extremely grand and surrounded by tall, electrified fences. The houses are important here because they are used to portray the difference between the rich and the poor and also to symbolize the wage gap.

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