Day 6

Anna Karenina Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    Discuss the romance between Koznyshev and Varenka.

    Possible points of discussion include, but are not limited to:

    • Some students may dismiss the flirtation between Koznyshev and Varenka as a non-event, since it amounts to nothing.
    • Students may find it tragic that this connection is completely abandoned without much reason while both parties seem to be very attracted to each other.
    • Students may believe that aspects of Koznyshev's personality, such as his tendency to over-intellectualize, are impeding his ability to be happy.
    • In a book full of unhappy marriages, some students may feel that Koznyshev and Varenka dodged a bullet.

  2. 2

    Ten whole chapters (chapters 5 -15) are...

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