Teacher Guide

Arrow of God Lesson Plan

Introduction to Arrow of God

Arrow of God is set in 1920s Igboland, Eastern Nigeria. The novel centers on the Chief Priest, Ezeulu, the head priest of the god Ulu. Ulu is worshiped by the six villages of Umuaro. Ezeulu believes himself to be half-spirit and half-man, and thus untouchable. However, Ezeulu is losing his grip on his authority. Rivals within Umuaro, the colonial form of government, the new Christian religion, and even his own family members question his decisions. Strong in his faith that he is an "arrow in the bow of god," Ezeulu leads his people towards their own destruction, causing a famine in the lands. A new Christian missionary, John Goodcountry, takes advantage of Ezeulu's position and suggests...

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