Batman Begins Imagery

Batman Begins Imagery

Ra's Al Ghul

We watch as the train Ra's Al Ghul is left on by Batman is smashing into a violent crash. The imagery shows him close his eyes and be at peace rather than attempt to save his life. This creates the allusion of his immortality from the comic books, that death is only the beginning for him.


Bruce defeats Ducard in a sword fight on the ice, but soon learns that he's given up his footing for a lethal strike and falls through the ice. The imagery teaches that the objective cannot always be to kill but that we must maintain our stability within our objective or risk losing our lives in order to fulfill our need for vengeance.


We see Batman soaring above the people of Gotham who have been infected by the hallucinogen in the water supply. His eyes glow with a burning, electric red and he appears as a monster. The imagery creates a mythical quality to Batman as well as bringing to life the concept that he is dangerous and violent and capable of great power.


Bruce shows Rachel that he has a gun and plans to kill Falcone. The imagery creates a tension that is felt in direct contrast to who Rachel knows Bruce to be, a good and reasonable man who gets justice in the right way. So when she slaps him the effect of seeing the gun does its job.

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