Batman Begins Themes

Batman Begins Themes


Hope is a theme that doesn't seem like it is in this film, but it is the very core of who Batman is. He wears the mask to inspire others to believe that they can make a difference in a city overwhelmed by lawlessness, crime and violence. Batman seeks to restore the hope of the people in Gotham to believe that there is a way out of the filth that has plagued Gotham that doesn't need them to resort to murder or burning their own city down.


Identity plays into Bruce's story as he goes from the scared little boy trapped in the well to Batman. Bruce is seen in a Bhutan prison fighting inmates and we can understand that he's searching for something within himself that he believes he can only find through violence and crime. He literally is stealing products from his own company--talk about a need for identity. His training in The League of Shadows and becoming Batman to stop crime becomes his road to discovering who he is through the things he does.


Ra's Al Ghul seeks to destroy Gotham City by having it be toppled to the ground. From here he says that it can be rebuilt. But the irony is that The League is supplying power and influence to Gotham's mob boss Falcone through his link to Arkham's Dr. Crane. Thus the corruption that The League seeks to destroy is being brought on at an increasing rate by their own efforts. So Batman steps in to create the opportunity for real justice when those who are meant to be serving it are simply in league with the enemy.

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