Bringing Up Baby Characters

Bringing Up Baby Character List

Elizabeth Random

Random is the multi-millionaire sponsor who David attempts to win over for the majority of the movie. However, she is unimpressed by his lack of progress on the Brontosaurus and thinks even less of him when he unwittingly engages in a romance with her niece, Susan. However, he eventually wins her over by gifting her a pet leopard, something she has always wanted.

Susan Vance

Vance is a young and slightly scatter-brained woman who meets David by chance on a golf course. She thinks he is a zoologist, and the two go a on a journey to save a pet leopard. However, she falls in love with him and tries to seduce him, but proves to be unsuccessful on numerous occasions, much to the audience’s amusement.

David Huxley

Huxley is a paleontologist, who has spent years attempting to assemble the skeleton of a Brontosaurus. However, he is missing one bone which causes him endless frustration as it means he cannot obtain a large sum of funding for the museum he works at. On top of this, he faces a tumultuous relationship with his fiancée, Alice, which results in him making poor choices and engaging in an affair.

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