Bringing Up Baby Imagery

Bringing Up Baby Imagery


Music is present as an effect that follows the plot and creates atmosphere and dramatic tension. Baby is tamed with the use of music, particularly the song “I can’t give you anything but love” so that creates another layer of music used as a direct part of the plot.


David is a paleontologist, meaning that his profession is dealing with ancient bones. He loses a very important bone for the Brontosaurus skeleton-Susan’t aunt’s dog finds it and buries it somewhere on the property. David is also introduced to Susan’s aunt as Mr. Bone, which creates a comedic effect in relation to the situation with the lost bone as well as with his profession.


David and Susan can’t seem to meet without some sort of clothes malfunctions. Susan destroys David’s hat at the party and David destroys her dress. Later on in her aunt’s house, she hides his clothes, so he is forced to meet her aunt in woman’s clothing. It can be interpreted that clothes malfunctions are there to create sexual implications and growing attraction for each other.


Animals are an active part of the movie that create comedic effects, but also drive the plot. Baby is a tame leopard and is, essentially, the main reason David and Susan get together. George, the dog, hides David’s dinosaur bone which forces him to stay with Susan longer. The wild leopard creates a sense of danger that they are unaware of, and it makes David rush to save Susan at the end.

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