
Cleomelia Analysis

Cleomelia is fourteen years old when her mother passes away. Therefore, she is left with her father, Malaventure, who is a prosperous businessman in Bengal. Malaventure left England and came to Bengal in search of a tranquil climate for his businesses. Upon arrival to Bengal, he is fascinated by the town’s charming life. Cleomelia’s beauty and behavior mesmerize her father, who perceives her as a companion, a friend, and a daughter. Malaventure offered his daughter a position to officiate duties in his factory. As a result, her beauty, wits, sense of humor, and behavior impressed every employee working in the factory.

Among the men who are obsessed with Cleomelia is Heartlove. Haywood describes him as “a man of great credit and reputation.” As well, Favonius has had plans to get his son, Gasper, a good woman like Cleomelia. Both Heartlove and Favonius decides to show off their wealth to woo Cleomelia. Gasper, too was impressed by Cleomelia. Subsequently, a rivalry to win Cleomelia’s heart ensued between Heartlove and Gasper. The two young men almost killed one another due to their desire to entice Cleomelia.

Ultimately, these men live regretting why they pursued Cleomelia. Favonius regrets his decision to spend money looking for his son’s wife. The men who pursue Cleomelia squander their money chasing after her. On the other hand, Cleomelia embarks on a journey back to England, feeling sad and dejected. The book makes readers believe that all that glitters is not gold. The author presents a rare dynamic of gendered power.

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