Cleomelia Quotes


"The beauty and sweet behavior of the young Cleomelia."


Here, Cleomelia is described as being beautiful and sweet. This refers to Cleomelia's beautiful appearance, which leads those around her to attribute other positive traits to her. She is also described as being "sweet," which is a reference to how she acts externally. This is an interesting way to describe her, as at the end of the text it is revealed that she is a manipulative and cunning character. As such, we get an idea here of Cleomelia's deceptive personality, which hides her true motivations.

After Captain Conrades's death, Cleomelia "turned all into cash and bills."


Here, we learn what happens to Cleomelia after the death of her husband. We learn that she achieved her aim of gaining wealth and status from her various marriages, and had turned her inheritance into "cash and bills." It is confirmed here that throughout the text Cleomelia was motivated by greed.

"Heartlove is a man of great credit and reputation"


From this quote, we learn more about Heartlove, who is one of Cleomelia's suitors. Heartlove is presented as a gentle and romantic character, who is truly infatuated with Cleomelia. His good character is reflected by the fact he is seen as a man "of great credit and reputation."

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