Cleomelia Characters

Cleomelia Character List


She is the main character in the book. Cleomelia is Malaventure’s daughter. Her beauty and behavior make her get married by three suitors, namely Heartlove, Gasper, and Captain Conrade. Many people in Bengal admire her beauty and kindness. However, Cleomelia is tricky and cunning. Indeed, she falls in love with the three men, her sole purpose being inheriting their wealth. The marriage between her and the three merchant husbands ends badly.


He is an English merchant who flees to Bengal due to business difficulties. Malaventure perceives Bengal as a city that might benefit him because he formerly had some businesses with a firm there. People in Bengal treat him well than he expected. His daughter, Cleomelia, is the center of men’s attraction in Bengal. Malaventure owns an English factory in Bengal, where Cleomelia works.


He is one of the merchants who marries Cleomelia. After Gasper, Cleomelia’s first husband goes to Colombia, Heartlove marries her. Heartlove is obsessed with Cleomelia’s beauty since the first day he set his eyes on her. Heartlove and Gasper are adversaries culminating in him being stabbed and wounded. When he dies, Cleomelia acquires his properties.


He is a wealthy merchant in Bengal. Gasper marries Cleomelia secretly. Favonius, Gasper’s father, was against his son’s choice of bride. Therefore, Gasper is sent to a foreign country to forget about Cleomelia. Gasper and Heartlove are enemies because each one wants to win the heart of Cleomelia. When he is banished to Europe, Gasper is almost killed. As a result, he is recalled to Bengal.

Captain Conrade

He is the third wealthy merchant who marries Cleomelia. Captain Conrade meets Cleomelia on a ship sailing for England. He expresses his undying love to her and ends up marrying her. Ultimately, Captain Conrade is lost at sea, prompting Cleomelia to acquire his legacy.

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