Dallas Buyers Club Characters

Dallas Buyers Club Character List

Ron Woodroof

Ron Woodroof is an electrician, cowboy and drug addict born and raised in Dallas. Before his diagnosis, he was a respected member of his community. Noneteheless, his status as HIV positive turn his life upside down, not only due to his health worsened, but because of the rejection he encountered from his friends because of the stigma surrounding the virus. Woodroof dedicated the rest of his life to obtaining and selling non-toxic drugs to other HIV patients through the Dalla's Buyers Club. Though the doctors predicted he had only 30 days to live, he managed to live 7 years after his diagnosis.

Doctor Eve Saks

Dr. Eve Saks is the doctor responsible for Ron Woodroof, as she is the one that talks to him about HIV once he has accepted his diagnosis. Throughout the movie, Eve grows closer to Ron. Moreover, she is the only doctor that reads his research, as well as the only one who tries to stop the trial once she realizes the harm caused by AZT.


Rayon is a woman Woodroof meets at the hospital in Dallas. She is HIV-positive and heavily abuses drugs. She is also Eve's childhood friend and a participant in the AZT trial. However, she becomes an important character in the story once she helps Ron gain customers for his business, as she is a part of the LGBTQ+ community in Dallas. Rayon eventually becomes Woodroof's business partner and close friend, even though she is initially looked down upon.

Doctor Sevard

Doctor Sevard works at the hospital in which Ron gets diagnosed along with Doctor Eve. He is the doctor in charge of the AZT trial, and works closely with the pharmaceutical companies, as well as the FDA. Moreover, Doctor Sevard seems to be more interested in the money promised for the paper being written about AZT than the actual wellbeing of the patients.

Doctor Vass

Vass is an unlincesed doctor who works in a small Mexican clinic that treats HIV patients. He is the first to tell Ron about the side effects of AZT, as well as the first to assign him a different, non-toxic treatment. Additionally, he is the one that gives Ron his first supply of medicine to sell while back in Dallas.

Richard Barkley

An agent for the Food and Drug Administration who first encounters Ron Woodrooff at the Mexican border. He takes on Ron's case throughout the movie.

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