Dallas Buyers Club Irony

Dallas Buyers Club Irony


The FDA is an organization meant to protect the health and lives of those who eat food and take drugs. It is, however, ostensibly responsible for the deaths of the people who they refuse to approve and supply life-saving to HIV/AIDS patients.

Ron Woodroof

During the 1980s (the period in which the film is set), it was thought that only Gay men or intravenous drug users could contract HIV/AIDS. Therefore, it is ironic that Woodroof, a straight man, would contract the disease.

Woodroof's business

Woodroof, a hyper-macho, initially incredibly homophobic man is guided by - and becomes good friends with - a gay man who is vital to the success of Woodroof's eponymous "Buyers Club" business. Audiences would certainly expect Woodroof to shun the gay men and go at it alone, but he does the opposite.


Ron is more disturbed by his doctors insinuations that he isa gay man than the fact that he has HIV/AIDS, a fatal disease that at the time had no treatment and certainly no cure.

Why is Ron sick?

In the opening sequences of the film, audiences observe Ron having unprotected sex with a woman. Subsequently, he gets incredibly sick. As audience members, we know that Ron has an STD - most likely HIV/AIDS. Ron, however, doesn't know this.

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