Dallas Buyers Club Summary

Dallas Buyers Club Summary

Dallas Buyers Club is about a cowboy named Ron Woodroof. In the beginning of the movie he learns that he has AIDS and will soon die. His life stumbles downwards from there, as his closest companions believe that he is gay. He loses his job, friends and family. Ron begins taking a drug he has heard has helped some AIDS patient stay alive longer (AZT), though he quickly falls ill because of his won drug abuse.

When talking to one of his old friends, Ron learns that the drug he is taking is poisonous and switches to another prescription his friend gives him, though the prescription is not approved in the US it proves effective (peptide T). Ron begins selling the illegal drugs to other HIV carriers, as it is a lucrative, illegal business. Ron continues his business for the next year, together with a doctor. They earn a lot of money and call it the “Dallas Buyers Club”. Since the drugs he is selling are illegal, and he is raided by the FDA.

One of Ron’s friends die as he travels to fetch more of the drug they are selling, as they go bankrupt from the illegal drug. AZT is proved to be ineffective and more doctors are sending their patients to the club for prescriptions.

In the end, Ron tried his best to make the drug that helped him survive AIDS legal, and though he won a court case, nothing could be done. Ron died of AIDS seven years later than the doctors told him he would.

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