De Profundis Background

De Profundis Background

An iconoclast in his time and one of the most brilliant writers of the Victorian era, Oscar Wilde had a plethora of his works published and well received. Unfortunately, he was incarcerated for “gross indecency” and had to spend a portion of his life in prison; nonetheless, this period saw the creation of some of his important works.

One of these works was "De Profundis," a letter by Oscar Wilde to “Bosie” (Lord Alfred Douglas). In this letter, Oscar Wilde essentially talks about the kind of life they led, which eventually came back to haunt him and talks about the fact that he had had a revelation while in prison, and found Jesus Christ.

Wilde had given this letter to Robert Ross, with faith that he would publish this letter eventually. Ross did so and gave the letter “De Profundis”, a Biblical allusion to Psalm 130.

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