De Profundis Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What the central theme in De Profundis?

    Acceptance and forgiveness emerge as the central theme throughout the letter. The writer is sorry for the wrongs he did that landed him in prison, where he faced a lot of grief. However, the best way to defeat sorrow and self-condemnation is self-acceptance and forgiveness. According to the writer, religion and morality cannot heal his wounds. Therefore, the best way to move forward is to forgive himself and accept that he deserves the punishment he goes through.

  2. 2

    Are the ordinary citizens justified to condemn prisoners?

    Ordinary citizens always assume that prisoners deserve to be in jail and have no mercy on them. The writer recalls the days he used to be in the streets wearing the prison uniform, and his experience was nasty. People laughed at him, and this made him feel bad and embarrassed. The writer concluded that the people outside are happy that convicts are in prison. However, the writer reminds people to pity prisoners because most of them are ready to change their ways and become better people in society. Therefore, people should not condemn prisoners; instead, they should pray for them and have pity.

  3. 3

    What is the irony of religion, according to Wilde?

    Wilde explains how difficult his life is in prison, and he only knows that self-acceptance is the only thing that can set him free. While in prison, Wilde says that religion and morality cannot help him. More often than not, people who have problems and challenges in life run to God for forgiveness and help. Ironically, Wilde does not believe that even God can help heal his grief. The reader also finds it satirical that Wilde uses Christ to embody personal wholeness, but he does not think he can help heal him from sorrow.

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